
The following steps are running on ROS2GO platform

Open a terminal, connect to your car.

First, set up ROS environment on both your car and your computer.

On your computer, config network variables by modifying your ~/.bashrc file:

gedit ~/.bashrc

in the text editor, add these two lines to the bottom of the file.

ROS_IP=`hostname -I`

where “yourcarip” is the IP address of your car (*).

On your car (first ssh -X to your car), config network variables by the same steps.

gedit ~/.bashrc

in the text editor, add these two lines to the bottom of the file.

ROS_IP=`hostname -I`

where “yourcarip” is the IP address of your car (*).

You can use the following code to check if your environment variables have been set correctly

echo $ROS_IP

Get into your computer’s SLAM package

roscd racecar_slam

Update to the latest SLAM package

git pull origin master

Make the package

cd ~/catkin_ws

OK, now close all terminals and open new terminals to do the following steps.

Then ssh to your car and bring up everything on your car

roslaunch racecar_bringup racecar_bringup.launch

Then go back to your own computer and open a new terminal. Run the mapping launch file to start mapping

roslaunch racecar_slam racecar_laser_only_cartographer.launch

You should be able to see something like this


Tp save the map, open a new terminal and run

rosrun map_server map_saver --occ 51 --free 49 -f test_carto_map