Use gamepad to control Racecar

Turn on the robot

  • Turn on the battery
  • Turn on the ESC(电调)

Note: make sure your gamepad’s control mode’s light is off and the mode is in X

Connect the TianRacer WiFi

WiFi SSID: TianRacer


Confirm your Racecar’s IP address where X is your team number



If your team number is 9, your Racecar’s IP address should be

Using SSH

Open a terminal

ssh -X tianbot@

where X is your team number

For example, if your team number is 9, you should

ssh -X tianbot@

Type in the password: ros

Note: you will not see the password on the screen, because the password typing is hidden in linux terminal

Open Racecar Bringup launch file

Run the following code ONLY IF you have logged into your Racecar

Don’t run the code on your laptop

roslaunch racecar_bringup racecar_bringup.launch